About Kicksass Creations & Kelsey Browning, Author

I know you.

You want to create cool stuff–poems, novels, paintings, films, websites, memory books, song lyrics, and probably so much more. Yet you’re often unsure, overwhelmed, self-critical, unfocused, and waiting for everything to be just right.

Maybe you’re just starting on your creative journey. You’re bright-eyed, but you’re not sure where to start or how to develop creative habits and processes.

Or maybe you’re a creative pro–a designer, singer, musician, filmmaker, novelist, photographer–and yet you still struggle with making the stuff you thought was so cool years ago and are wondering how the hell to combine your passion with a sustainable business.

Uh…I’ve been there. Suffered through the jet lag and bought the souvenir shot glass.

You’re not alone.

Most creative folks face multiple barriers that make it oh-so-much-easier to turn away from their epic projects and scroll through Facebook or find a new series to binge watch on Netflix.

But with the right support, resources, and community, it could be different. You could have control of your day instead of it shaking you around like a dog with a new squeaky toy. You could have a realistic process that allows you to make progress on your creative work even when life gets crazy. You could make amazing stuff and put it out in the world for people to enjoy (and should we be so bold as to say pay for??).

I want to help you grab hold of the support, resources, and community you need to create…everything.

Who is this chick?

Kelsey BrowningHey, y’all! 

I’m Kelsey Browning, a USA Today bestselling author who has released close to 20 novels and novellas in the past three and a half years. My fiction genres include cozy mystery, contemporary romance, and romantic suspense. And as much as I lurve making stuff up and having characters say and do surprising things, I also love it when other people realize their creative dreams. That’s the reason I started the Kicksass Creations website and am committed to helping aspiring and professional creatives to take hold of those dreams and make ’em happen!

In 2009, I co-founded Romance University, a former Writer’s Digest 101 Best Websites for Writers. I also have a master’s degree in Higher Education and have teaching experience at the high school and college levels.

Since I began writing fiction in 2006, I have weathered five (two transglobal) moves, my mom’s critical illness and subsequent death, several short stints of single-parenting, more hours on airplanes than I can possibly count, and a serious bout of creative self-doubt when I almost quit writing before I was ever published.

But really, why should you trust me to guide you in your creative journey? Because I’ve been where you are–unsure, scared, paralyzed, filled with doubt, unmotivated, wrapped up in perfectionism, without a workable creative process. I’ve spent the past six years getting my creative shit together, and I’d like to help you get to a place where you can not only create a personalized process that allows you to do your best creative work but also ground you when you lose your creative way.

Which you will, because we all do.

A few juicy tidbits about me...

  • I'm a native Texan, which means I deliver my sarcasm, encouragement, and butt kicks with a drawl.
  • I've lived in a town of less than 1500 people as well as Los Angeles (which at last count had a population slightly above 1500).
  • I write steamy sex scenes in my romances and have been told I should warn people not to read my books on public transportation (yeah, still trying to figure that one out).
  • I pronounce the word "pecan" the proper way - "puh-kahn."
  • I live in a house with all guys--my husband, my teenage son, my rescue dog from Qatar, and my former service pup (he washed out of the program because of a heart condition).
  • My family lived in Qatar for about 5 years. Although I don't speak Arabic, I have pretty Arabic handwriting.
  • I have a Little Free Library in my front yard.
  • I play ping pong like a T-Rex.
  •  I believe "y'all" is the perfect pronoun for all occasions.